enmain 2022-05-06T18:23:50+03:00

Dear readers, the following informational material is dedicated to the problem of biological activity of water and related questions of human life efficiency, which consider moral and physical health, sense of harmony in existence of a human in unity with the Nature.

We are deeply convinced that problems of humanity and our personificated psychological and physical diseases are connected in their fundamental principles with changes of water condition.  Formally it is possible to appeal to general statistics (according to data of World health organization) which claims that the majority of planet …

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Climate change on the planet are manifested primarily in the growth of the number of weather events in various regions of the world. Hurricanes, floods, on the one hand, drought and fires through long anticyclones, c the other, has become an annual cause of disasters in many countries. Despite evidence of the phenomenon of modern scientific theories of origin, based largely on models of the evolution of atmospheric dynamic centers do not give a satisfactory answer to the nature of their origin. There is no answer to the stability of the temperature conditions of formation of cyclonic activity (27 ° C), the critical temperature of the manifestations of the thunderstorm …

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In recent decades, mankind has faced new threats to their sustainable development – is climate change and pandemic of metabolic diseases in which basis is a common cause. This reason is the “electron deficiency” in the geosphere planet, whose origin is linked to the development of new quantum technologies in different spheres of production and life, as well as increasing the classic anthropogenic impact.

Water as the main source of life in the changing geophysical conditions, is the mediator between the human body and the environment associated with the transformation of the Earth electronic components …

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